Wholesalers & manufacturers
Servicing the diamond, jewellery and watch industries with specialized niche insurance products
For many years now, Anglo Belge's dedicated team of experts has enjoyed a longstanding relationship with the insurance market. As trusted consultants of a very wide range of industry professionals and multinational groups, ...
More info:Cedric van den Abeele (Antwerp)
Anthony Guépin (Geneva)
Sophie Lambers (Antwerp) Read more

Wholesalers & manufacturers
Servicing the diamond, jewellery and watch industries with specialized niche insurance products
For many years now, Anglo Belge’s dedicated team of experts has enjoyed a longstanding relationship with the insurance market. As trusted consultants of a very wide range of industry professionals and multinational groups, we specialize in tailor-made ‘All Risk’ policies. We put the emphasis on your individual needs and on strong claim settlement, while always controlling premium levels and stability.
Our panel of specialist products which we tailor for the jewellery and watch wholesalers and manufacturers include :
- Jewellers block policy
- Multinational group dealers policies
- Temporary exhibitions
- Diamond processing risks
- Credit insurance
- Kidnap & ransom
- Personal accident / keyman
Retail jewellers
Over the years, Anglo Belge has earned the trust of many prominent retail jewellers. Our insurance specialists, thanks to their expertise and experience, have created two innovative insurance contracts.
More info:Isabelle Coseyns (French/Dutch/English)
Sacha Van Hooteghem (French) Read more

Retail jewellers
Over the years, Anglo Belge has earned the trust of many prominent retail jewellers. Our insurance specialists, thanks to their expertise and experience, have created two innovative insurance contracts.
SILK, is a comprehensive program insuring the retail jeweller’s activity and stock. It allies loss prevention programs, wide and efficient cover and accompanying of individuals when claims occur.
A program which includes an All Risk merchandise coverage both in transit and at rest.
The jeweler’s genuine All Risk merchandise insurance, including counter theft, which encompasses the risks of consignment, transports and sendings.
This is the SILVER program to which the following are added :
+ Store furniture, fixtures and fittings.
+ Death/disability coverage.
+ Psychological assistance following a loss.
This is the GOLD program to which the following are added :
+ Third party liability insurance.
+ Operating loss coverage.
Fine arts & collectibles
Unique insurance policies for exhibitions, galleries, auction houses and museums. Specialised, unique insurance policies for additional protection and peace of mind
More info:Isabelle Coseyns
Sophie Lambers Read more

Fine arts & collectibles
Unique insurance policies for exhibitions, galleries, auction houses and museums
Specialised, unique insurance policies for additional protection and peace of mind
Art Professionals
Our solutions for art that belongs to you or that has been entrusted to you.
As a gallery owner, art dealer, museum or art professionnal, you want to be sure that the work you own or that has been entrusted to you is optimally insured. Whether in transit, on entrustment to one of your clients or at an exhibition, we can offer you the insurance that fits your needs better.
The policy we have developed is an All Risks policy, which means we cover all risks except those that are explicitly excluded. The cover includes among other things following advantages:
- Worldwide « nail to nail» insurance, which includes transits, storage and handling.
- agreed value for exhibitions.
- no deductible.
- loss of value after a claim is covered.
Our commitment as a broker is to place your risk with an underwriter who will offer the best compromise between what you need and the premium which will be charged. We favour complete transparency and, with your help, develop a tailor-made insurance policy that fits your needs better.
Private collections
Whether you are looking to insure classic or contemporary art, furniture, sculptures, silverware, fragile items (ceramics, jade, mirrors), family jewellery or other priceless collectibles that require particular care (wine, stamps, manuscripts, historical documents), we have a perfect solution for everyone’s patrimony.
Our “All Risks ” policy includes the following benefits:
- protection against theft, fire, water damage, partial or total damage.
- all physical loss or damage is insured for any items whilst stored, whilst at home, whilst on exhibition, whilst in transit or worn (as far as jewellery is concerned).
- loss of value after a claim is covered.
- no claim bonuses.
- replacement value for your personal belongings and eventually for jewellery.
- agreed value for your entire art collection.
- every new purchase is automatically insured and added to your contract.
- pairs & sets keep their pair or set value.
- deductible is not compulsory.
Who we are ?
For more than 60 years now, the dedicated team of Anglo Belge has specialised in “all risks” contracts, providing
tailor-made insurance and risk management solutions to their clients worldwide.
With Anglo Belge, you have access to the strongest and most reputable insurance markets, including Lloyd’s of London,
AXAXL, Ergo…, ensuring bespoke contract conditions and efficient claims settlement.
We are dedicated to provide you with personalized insurance solutions risk management services, valuing long term relationships and innovation.
Commitment, Excellence, Continuity, Reliability
Be the reference broker in the insurance fields we specialise in